Kayam Churna, Tablet - Price, Benefits, Side Effects - HealthMedEasy.com

Kayam Churna & Tablet – Price, Benefits, Side Effects

Kayam Churna is a very famous proprietary ayurvedic medicine for constipation and easily available in a chemist shop. As it is not a traditional Ayurvedic medicine and one can get it without prescription. As it is proprietary medicine it’s formulae is not written in any traditional books of Ayurveda. Sheth Brothers formulated and blended a…

Mouth Ulcer - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention

Mouth Ulcer – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention

What is Mouth Ulcer and how it looks like? Mouth ulcer which known as ‘canker sores‘ small, round or oval sores, mostly harmless, can be extremely uncomfortable, painful lesions are commonly developed in mouth or gums area especially on the cheeks, lips, tongue. Lesions can have red edges with other colors (i.e. yellow, white, gray) in…

Nipah Virus - Symptoms, Carriers, How it spreads, Prevention

Nipah Virus – Symptoms, How it spreads, Prevention

What is Nipah Virus Infection Nipah Virus infection (NiV) is a newly revealed zoonosis that attracts attention and affects both humans and animals and causes severe disease. The natural host of the virus is fruit-bats of the Pteropodidae Family, Pteropus genus. This virus was first identified when it causes diseases in Kampung Sungai Nipah, Malaysia in 1998….