Padmasana (Lotus Pose): Steps, Benefits, Warnings

Lotus Pose (Padmasana) – Steps, Health Benefits, Warnings and Precautions

The Lotus pose or Padmasana is a combination of two words (in Sanskrit – पद्मासन, where the Padma meaning Lotus and Asana meaning yoga posture) pronounced as “pad-MAHS-anna” is also known as the lotus position. The asana is said to resemble a lotus, to foster physical stability and to encourage breathing properly through associated meditative practice.

This Lotus Pose, or Padmasana, is an extremely powerful yoga asana pose that connects the mind, body, and spirit together which is one of the ultimate goals of yoga. In Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, this Lotus pose is also known as the Vajra position.

From ancient, the lotus or Padma is one of the most significant symbols found in both religion and time and also has been a part of many sagas. This generally indicates and connected to some factors like detachment, enlightenment, purity, spirituality, beauty, rebirth, material wealth, cosmic renewal, etc.

In the Hindu iconography, Goddess Lakshmi (occasionally Lord Ganesha and Lord Vishnu) divinely seats herself on an open lotus. Also in Buddhism, it is said that wherever Buddha set foot, a lotus bloomed. Padmasana is basically a cross-legged sitting yoga asana which is an established asana originating in meditative practices in the Yoga, Jain, and Buddhist contemplative traditions.

Points to Know Before You Do The Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

As this asana is a meditative pose, it is best when practiced in the morning but also you can do it in the evening too. Though this asana does not mandate requirements of the empty stomach. But if you are willing to do other yoga asanas with this asana then it is a good practice to have your meals at least 4-6 hours before and bowels need to be cleaned.

Step-by-Step Instructions To Do Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

Follow the steps below to efficiently carry out this yoga pose.

  • At first, sit on a yoga mat on the floor or any flat surface, make your spine erect, stretch out your both legs in the front.
  • Now using your hand gently bend the right knee to place it on your left thigh, make sure that sole of your feet points to the upward direction, and the heels must be close to your abdomen region.
  • Then again with the other leg follow the same steps in the respective manner.
  • You can see that both of your legs are crossed, feet are comfortably placed on the opposite thighs. Now place your hands on the knees making a mudra position of your choice.
  • Make sure you always keep the head straight, spine erect and breath long, deep and slow inwards and then outwards manner.

Benefits of Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

Mudras are well known for their ability to activate the energy flow but their effects are multiplied when one practiced those in combination with the Padmasana. Every Mudra and its benefits are different. Some Mudras out there which boosted up when performed with Padmasana – Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Brahma Mudra, etc. Overall some benefits of Padmasana are discussed below.

Lotus Pose (Padmasana) Improves Digestion

Padmasana boosts blood circulation to the abdomen region which enhances our digestive function. Through enhancing our metabolism capability or digestive fire this lotus pose can help in various digestive disorders or problems like constipation, loose motion and cleanses the digestive tract.

Alleviates Mental Stress and Relaxes our Brain

This yoga pose requires long and deep breathing which eliminates negativity from our mind, relaxes our brain and overall reduces stress and tension. If done regularly this Padmasana reduces our stress hormones production and helps us to live with happy emotions.

Lotus Pose (Padmasana) Activates Chakras and Boosts Mind Alertness

This Padmasana yoga pose is highly recommended by yoga gurus as it not only activates various chakras and boosts concentration, attentiveness, and alertness but also calms down our brain too.

Relives From Various Abdominal Diseases

Performing this Padmasana on a regular basis our body’s natural fluids are to be preserved well which prevents various abdominal diseases and many female disorders related to reproductive organs.

Strengthens and Stretches Joints and Ligaments and Reduces Muscular Tension

Lotus pose is very efficient to strengthen our various joints and build a solid connection between bones and muscles. This pose also makes our lower region joints flexible especially knees and the sacroiliac joints.

Lotus Pose (Padmasana) Helps in Pregnancy and During Childbirth

Padmasana or lotus pose is one of the most efficient yoga poses which helps to strengthen and flexible the pelvic region which aids in easing pain during childbirth. Pregnant women are also be benefited as this lotus pose opens up the hips wonderfully when performed on a regular basis.

Controls Blood Pressure Level and Fight Against Insomnia

Padmasana pose is simple but very effective as its breathing procedure and cross leg feature helps blood flow in the overall body and that helps to fight insomnia through relaxing our brain, reducing our stress hormones, enhances mental stability and generates a good mood. People whoever perform this yoga pose regularly gets happy and sound sleep at night. This lotus yoga pose maintains blood pressure normal and in a healthy range.

Some Other Benefits of Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

Besides the above benefits, this Padmasana or Lotus Pose has also many other benefits that are mentioned below.

  • Reduces menstrual discomfort
  • Stimulates the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder
  • Helps develop good posture
  • Restores energy levels
  • Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica
  • This pose also helps in losing weight from thighs and hips and also the simplest posture which can be done by people of all ages.

Warnings and Precautions

Till now, we have learned about the benefits of this yoga pose but we should also remember some following points as warnings or cautions while performing Padmasana.

  • Avoid doing this yoga asana if you have any type of bones or muscle injury in the ankle or knee area or you have gone through any surgical operation.
  • Always practice yoga pose only under the supervision of an experienced and professional teacher and avoid the wrong way that can damage you permanently.
  • You should consult your doctor if you are suffering from any diseases.
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